Chapter: Maria Verdeja School of the Arts

Benefits of Induction

  • Recognition of their artistic merit, academic achievement, and leadership throughout their educational experience (Junior High – Collegiate).

  • Certificates at each level of induction, opportunity to receive the gold Honor Pin and wear the blue and white Honor Cord and/or Medallion at graduation.

  • Mentorship from Chapter Sponsor and networking with peers.

  • Leadership and development opportunities within their NHSDA Chapter, as they can assist the Chapter Sponsor with Chapter administration, record keeping, fundraising, and event planning.

The NHSDA MVSA chapter is set up as a student organization with elected student officers with the Chapter Sponsor acting as the faculty advisor.


NHSDA Junior Program Goals
1. To promote a desire for life-long learning in the field of dance.
2. To encourage an understanding of, and an appreciation for, dance as an art form and develop knowledgeable audiences for tomorrow.


NHSDA Secondary Program Goals
1. To identify honor students (grades 11 & 12) for nomination to the NHSDA Artistic Merit, Leadership and Academic Achievement Award, one of the highest honor programs for dance in the United States.
2. To promote a desire for life-long learning in the field of dance.
3. To encourage an understanding of, and an appreciation for, dance as an art form and develop knowledgeable audiences for tomorrow.

Eligibility Criteria for Student Induction

Induction into the NHSDA Junior Program ( grades 6-8 ) is earned through
1. accumulation of at least 15 points
awarded for dance activities such as rehearsals, performances, research, workshops, or community service activities.
2. minimum GPA of 3.0.

Induction into the NHSDA Secondary Program ( grades 9-12 ) is earned through
1. accumulation of at 30 points
awarded for dance activities such as dance classes, rehearsals, performances, research, workshops, or community service activities.

2. minimum GPA of at 3.0.

Students should track their points and provide the Chapter Sponsor with a record of points earned through worksheets, portfolios, or other agreed-upon methods. For points earned outside of chapter activities, verification of points earned should be provided to the Chapter Sponsor through playbills, registration forms, photos, or other agreed-upon methods. The Chapter Sponsor will keep a record of points earned on file. In addition, the prospective student's demonstration of collaborative teamwork, motivation, and leadership in the many aspects of dance (e.g., choreography, performance, mentoring, production) are factors in the determination of eligibility for induction. Students should turn in a copy of their report card to their Chapter Sponsor showing their cumulative GPA.

How does a student apply for Induction?

  • Students are responsible for documenting all their activities that are worthy of points.

  • Student will then apply for induction on the Student Application page by clicking the button below. The student will create an account, entering their name (exactly as it is to appear on the certificates, with the desired spelling and capitalization), search for our NHSDA chapter “ Maria Verdeja School of the Arts”, enter their graduation date, and they can upload their point tracking worksheet and transcript for easy review by the Chapter Sponsor.

  • Students can track their points using the Point Tracking Worksheet available by clicking here, or using another method such as a spreadsheet, portfolio, or online system.

  • Proof of GPA ( 3.0 minimum ) & Calculated Points ( JUNIOR 15 point minimum / SECONDARY 30 point minimum )
    Documents must be submitted to by the deadline March 6th 2024.

  • There is a one-time fee associated with the Student Induction. Separate fees apply for the optional NHSDA Pins and Honor Cords. Please consult the NHSDA Junior/Secondary Program Chapter Sponsor Ms. Suki Lopez at for details.

Induction form


to download the information packet